If you wish to contact us, please email info [at] neokitties.org.
To prevent phishing attacks, Neokitties does not allow sending data to external servers after page load with newer free plans (older sites have legacy support for it). Content can be loaded on page load via HTML, but JavaScript is not allowed to send arbitary requests to external servers after page load. If you would like to enable this functionality, you will need to upgrade to supporter.
If you are having trouble with content not loading, the solution is to include that content as part of your site on Neokitties by including the files you are trying to load directly with your site hosted on Neokitties. This is almost always the correct way to do it anyways, because it makes your site faster and more reliable, and future proofs your site against the content being removed from the external server (which if the history of the 90s web is any indication, is very likely to happen).
This likely because your browser is temporarily caching the web page. Try doing a hard reload (Ctrl+Shift+R, or Command+Shift+R on Mac).
This can sometimes be caused by ad blockers or other browser extensions. Try disabling them for Neokitties and try again (you won't need them here anyways since we don't do any advertising).
Absolutely! Neokitties is not opposed to you making money from your web site. We won't put ads on your site, but you are welcome to put ads on your own site if you want to, as long as that isn't the only use of your site (sites that only contain ads are considered spam and violate our ToS). You are also welcome to sell items, or put your business page on Neokitties.
Neokitties intentionally only provides static hosting (such as HTML, CSS, JS). As such, we cannot provide access to any "back-end" programming languages. We feel that creating sites that use these languages tend to become obsolete quickly (programming languages don't stay around for very long), and that sites are best created without them unless they are complicated web applications. Also, allowing programming languages on the backend would make it much harder for us to run Neokitties, for both monetary and security reasons.
Front-end programming with Javascript, however, is allowed and highly encouraged!
We don't support FTP, apologies! Aside from security problems with FTP, it isn't used by many people anymore. We need to stay focused on what we work on, so we only support ways to upload content that most people use these days.
Our API allows you to very easily write a script to upload content if you need. We also have WebDAV available for supporter accounts, which allows you to mount your Neokitties site as a disk on your computer.
Neokitties intentionally does not provide any embeddable code for use within Neokitties sites, because we don't want sites to become dependent on Neokitties services to work. We like the idea of making static sites that last a long time, and these sorts of services tend to fade away, causing your site to stop working.
We do provide services for the sites on the main site (neokitties.org), such as a site profile and tagging so you can form communities of sites with similar interests. We think that's a better way to do it than to push our way into your site. You can of course link to your Neokitties Site Profile (https://neokitties.org/site/yourusername) from your own site if you'd like.
We don't currently support certain types of files, particularly multimedia files and WebASM with free sites because of persistent issues with abuse (piracy, bitcoin mining, excessive bandwidth usage). In general, these files are not conducive to Neokitties' mission of bringing back personal home pages vs being a piracy and webapp hosting platform. You can embed audio and videos through other providers like YouTube, which is preferred because they will automatically provide the streaming media in formats that work better for your specific users' devices (such as mobile phones).
We currently have a file size limit for very large files on Neokitties, including supporter sites. This is mainly because our CDN (content delivery network) is optimized for lots of small files (the kind that web sites use), and also because large files tend to be easily abused (think piracy). Files used to make web pages will not hit these limits, but things like very large zipballs are more likely to. These also tend to be the file types that lead to abuse and would make Neokitties unsustainable to operate in the long run (piracy, malware, etc), another reason we're hesitant to add support for them.
Even if we supported this, it wouldn't work very well because HTTP servers are not good at this anyways and there are almost always better alternatives for very large file distribution. For example if you need to upload a video, YouTube or Vimeo are better because they automatically format in the different file types that different browsers support, or if you are releasing a large game, it's probably better to release it through a game platform like Steam. Using BitTorrent is also a really effective way to have your site visitors help distribute your content quickly (provided it's legal!)
Neokitties does not support .htaccess files. This is an Apache HTTP server specific file type, and we don't use Apache for our backend. In addition, we generally don't add features to Neokitties that make the functionality of sites depend on custom backend functionality (the sole exception being that we make sure "page not found" goes to "not_found.html" so you can create a custom 404.)
Finally, we sometimes see people trying to use .htaccess for authentication (with usernames and passwords). Neokitties is only for sites and information you want to make public, and it is dangerous to use it for private sites! We make backups of your site and attackers can easily find any information you're trying to hide using our archivers. Our goal is to make sure your sites stay up for a long time and persist, not to enforce secrecy zones on your site. If you want to make a controlled access site, Neokitties is probably not what you're looking for.
If you are a new user, this message means that your IP address, browser, or some other characteristic of your session has been flagged by our monitoring for potential spam/abuse. This is a collaborative list we maintain with other sites, so another site may have added your IP address. If you are using a VPN, try disabling that. You could also consider running an anti-virus scan on your computer, as it may be infected with malware that is causing this.
Hits are number of requests for any file on a site, views count for one unique IP address per hour. Views provide better insight into how many individuals (or search engines, etc) are looking at your site. There is no such thing as perfectly accurate stats, so this doesn't necessarily reflect how many actual people are viewing your site, but it does provide a rough way to see how popular your site is becoming. If you put a hit counter on your site, it may give a different number than what Neokitties records and that is expected.
We don't provide a way to look at individual visitor records on Neokitties, the main reason being that the information isn't very useful anymore, since most sources block HTTP Referer headers, making it difficult to determine origin.
As of Feb 21, 2024, we have deployed code that will detect and not count views from known bots and crawlers, which should make the views count much more accurate for showing organic traffic. You may observe a drop in views before and after this time.
For security reasons, we can't. But you can delete your own site by logging in and going to the settings page!
For safety reasons, if you have more than one site, you'll need to delete all sites before deleting the main account. Click on "Manage Site Settings" to delete each site individually.
Site downloading issues are almost always related to the internet connectivity issues. If your download is continuing to get cancelled or interrupted, check your WiFi router, or try plugging in directly to the router to see if that resolves it. You could also try downloading from a local library or coffee shop and see if you have the same issue. If you're having trouble with the download link, you can also try SAve MY nEOCiTy!, which is a third party downloading tool for Neokitties sites.
Neokitties does not have a policy of transferring inactive sites to different owners and can't make manual exceptions at the moment. This is a tricky subject because we don't have a way to be sure if a user has actually abandoned their site, even if it's just the default "new site" template. We may have a different policy in the future regarding this.
Invoices are available for download as PDF files here.
See our DMCA page.
We will not remove a site unless it is violating our Terms of Service or breaking the law. Chances are, it isn't. And the laws in place defend our right to do this. If you'd like a more in-depth explanation of our policies, see our legal guide for Neokitties.
Cool! Please consult our legal guide for Neokitties for more information on why this is a really bad idea.